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Do Probiotics Help Your Immune System? Everything You Need To Know

Do Probiotics Help Your Immune System? Everything You Need To Know

Probiotics seem to be just about everywhere these days — touted in the soft-serve at your favorite frozen yogurt joint and the kombucha at your local health food store. But unlike some other popular trends, there's quite a bit of research confirming the benefits of probiotics, especially when it comes to supporting immune function.

Interested in learning more? Love Wellness has your back! Read on to discover all you need to know about probiotics and how they can help your immune system. 

What Are Probiotics?

Simply put, probiotics are living microorganisms — such as strains of good bacteria and yeast — that, in adequate amounts, provide health benefits. 

You can find probiotics in sources like:

  • Capsules, powders, or liquid supplements
  • Fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut
  • Sourdough bread
  • Yogurt

When probiotics are present in the gut, they take on the role of peacekeeper and help to support your overall wellness by:

  • Maintaining order
  • Promoting overall balance
  • Supporting the function of your bodily processes
  • Balancing gut bacteria 

And experts are finding that using probiotic bacteria for the gut's microbiome may offer a new way of keeping people healthy. 

What Is the Gut Microbiome?

The complex community of microorganisms that call your gut home is referred to as the gut microbiome (aka "gut flora" or "gut microbiota"). When populated by a diverse range of beneficial intestinal microbes, the gut microbiome is in balance and able to function at its best. 

When the diversity of intestinal microbes is lacking, on the other hand, the gut microbiome can become unbalanced and enter a state of dysbiosis, leaving the body susceptible to a number of less-than-wonderful health outcomes — such as a weakened immune system. 

How Can Probiotics Support Immune Function?

Keeping microbiota balanced in the gut is key to preventing illness. Why? Because a whopping 70 percent of the immune system is located in the gut. This means if your digestive health is suffering, chances are your immune system will follow suit. And when you're lacking in the immune system department, you may find that illnesses such as the common cold and flu find you much more easily. In other words, if you've been getting sick more than usual, you may want to consider bumping up your probiotic intake to support a healthy gut. 

Any Tips for Taking Probiotics?

While you can most definitely eat your way to a healthy gut, the truth is that eating a nutritious diet day in and day out can be harder than it sounds. In fact, esearch suggests up to 90 percent of the United State's population has a poor diet. 

Whether your poor diet is due to busy schedules or lifestyle habits, fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive is no easy feat. Fortunately, we have probiotic supplements — like Gut Feelings Probiotics.

A pre-, pro-, and postbiotic formula that supports complete gut health and immune function, Gut Feelings contains clinically studied ingredients, including 3 billion CFUs of probiotic strains.* Simply take one capsule per day and rest easy, knowing your gut — and immune system — are getting the support they need to promote good health. What's not to love? 

Thinking about adding a probiotic to your daily supplement lineup? Here are a few tips you should know: 

Tip #1: Start Slow and Incorporate Probiotic Foods

If you're totally new to probiotics, don't eat a pound of probiotic foods like sauerkraut, miso, and kimchi from the get-go. And if you're taking a probiotic supplement, consider cutting your dose in half for the first few days to prevent or minimize any side effects. By starting slow, you will help your body adjust to the beneficial bacteria — and you can gradually find the dosage that works best for you. 

Pro Tip: If your probiotics are causing digestive issues such as excessive gas and belly bloat, we recommend taking Bye Bye Bloat. Made with digestive enzymes and herbs to support bloat management, simply take one or two capsules after a meal to help alleviate bloating and manage water weight.*

Tip #2: Take Probiotics on an Empty Stomach

According to experts, the best time to take probiotics is just before a meal or on an empty stomach. This is the time when the environment in your stomach is at its least acidic. Your stomach is designed to kill any bad bacteria that might make their way into your body via food and drink. 

For the probiotic bacteria, this spells trouble as prolonged exposure to stomach acid kills them — that's why taking your probiotic on an empty stomach is of the utmost importance. When your stomach is running low on acid, the friendly probiotics are much more likely to survive the harsh stomach environment and make it to the gut, where they can work their healing magic. 

Tip #3: Take Probiotics Regularly

Here's the truth: you can't take a probiotic supplement one time and expect overnight success. Creating a healthy, happy, and balanced gut microbiome requires patience. In short, consistency is key. The best results — and most benefits — come from taking probiotics every day. 

While everyone is different, most people typically start seeing some results from their probiotic supplement within two weeks, with additional benefits after six weeks. So if you're on a mission to boost your immune system, be sure to take your probiotics regularly! 


So, do probiotics help your immune response?

These live microorganisms can help create and sustain a more diverse gut microbiome. And seeing as about 70 percent of the immune system is housed in the gut, it makes perfect sense how a healthy digestive system is intertwined with immune function. In other words, if your gut health is lacking, chances are your immune health will follow suit. 

To keep your immune system in tip-top shape, you can fuel your body with probiotic-rich foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt — or simply opt for a probiotic supplement like Gut Feelings. This incredible shelf-stable prebiotic and probiotic formula is made with clinically studied ingredients that support complete gut health and immune function. Just take one capsule a day, and you're good to go!

Here at Love Wellness, we believe in self-care that's body-positive and guided by doctors. So if you're ready to feel good about feeling good, check us out today to find the natural solution that's right for you. Trust us; your immune system will thank you later! 



If you want to boost immunity, look to the gut | UCLA Health Connect

The impact of meals on a probiotic during transit through a model of the human upper gastrointestinal tract | Pub Med

90% of US has a poor diet, and 25% doesn’t exercise | Ars Technica

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